Making Plans

So before I proceed any further; and this will be made obvious as you read further but while the title might sound ominous; rest assured that it is much more positive than that.

In the time since my last post a little over a month ago; I have met with:

The VA twice for health/mental evaluations, a lawyer to assist with filing for disability through the social security office, I won’t release his name but I cannot say enough about how much I appreciate his generosity as he volunteered to do it for free. My priest at All Saints Episcopal Church in Saugatuck, Fr. Jay E. Johnson Rev, PhD. The HR Director at my current job and helping me go through all of my financial paperwork.

The overall summary is I’m waiting for the full evaluation from the VA to be completed with the hopes of being able to get Health Insurance through the VA and then begin working with my lawyer and HR Director and begin the process of quitting my job to essentially become Medically Retired and then begin enjoying the rest of my life with my lovely, caring, wonderful wife and step-son. And the best part is I will also be “working” for Fr. Jay at the church as his personal assistant, helping with technology for the church along with our website and more work as a digital verger assisting with the live streaming every Sunday. Fr. Jay has offered to assist me in beginning the ordination process.

I mentioned to my dad, Paul, yesterday during a phone call that maybe this is why I’ve been working in technology all these years, so I can help All Saints Episcopal Church with their technology needs while working towards ordination.

God moves and works in ways that are mysterious to us.

Something that came across to me this afternoon while I was out and about with my step-son was that while going through a grieving process has been hard and stressful and anxiety inducing at times, that makes it difficult for Marcy and myself, I realized that I’m having a hard time to have fun with those who love and enjoy my company. So as I’m making plans, I’m also working on myself to be not only a better person but to have fun and define that for myself.

For anyone going through anything similar, don’t beat yourself up. Take some time, inventory where you’re at and realize that you are loved. While you can try and push it away, it will not let you go quietly or painfully.

For my beautiful, loving and wonderful wife, Marcy-I love you more and more everyday, thank you for being there with me through all the hard times and teaching me to laugh and giving me something to smile about every single day.

Overall, things have been busy between working, and making plans for what is coming next-and I just want to thank everyone again for all their support both in prayers and financially.

I love you all, and I’ll work harder on keeping you up to date more often.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.



Up Next: Mayo Clinic & Clinical Trials
