Humble = Mental Freedom

While recovering these last several days from surgery to remove the brain tumor-it’s hard to not get prideful about the things you have to not do and can no longer do.

In my case, I can’t carry more than 5-10lbs, if I drop something-Marcy has to bend over and get it for me, and I have to not zone out in electronics-that kind of just pervasive stagnancy is actually very bad post tumor removal.

The problem has seemed to come from less about what I want or no longer think I can do because the Drs and nurses are telling Marcy and I that.

But after spending some time contemplating-the deeply rooted issue seems to be pride and what I think I should be able to do because I want to/when I want to.

Ladies and gentlemen-if you’re going through a similar thing-you’re only holding yourself back and hurting those, in my case Marcy, who have probably done nothing but help.

Also regarding help-speaking to many of my fellow vets-I don’t care what E-8/9 whatever told you never to get help-they were not only a bad leader to you but they were 1M times wrong.

I struggle with this, cause I was informed that asking for help-makes us seem weak. This couldn’t be further from reality or truth.

In my case, I want to pay people back monetarily when they do stuff like Lee & Nate who came to our house, fixed the stairs, installed a hand rail and cleaned up the yard

In the wise words of my Father-when you try and push paying on people when they do stuff like that-you’re not only robbing them of the blessing they’re trying to give you, that is coming from God-but you’re cheapening it.

How would you feel in that regard?

My immediate answer was a humbling “bad” said in that wavering realization tone.

So this is my public statement, and those who know me, know I struggle with this.

To everyone, from coworkers, church friends, friends-family friends, who have all come and helped.


Be humble and just say thank you when someone steps out of their way to help.

Don’t do more-it’s awkward.



Staples R Out!


Brain Surgery