Treatment Begins

Well, today is a bittersweet day as it’s not only the first day of radiation and chemo treatments for my brain cancer but today also marks is the 1 year anniversary since I proposed to Marcy.

Who knew so much would happen in just 1 year?

The above image is Morning After the Deluge by Joseph Mallord William Turner, an English romantic painter, watercolourist and printmaker.

The reason I’m including this part is looking at that image gives me hope but also a sense of serenity and peace. Which is needed as much as a fall rain in the desert after a hot and dry summer preceding a drought.

More treatments lie ahead but the point of todays post is to say:

Marcy, I love you and I’m so glad you said “Yes” that day last year.

If you’re reading this and need to read this part ~ Don’t give up hope. No matter what is going on, either find someone in your life that gives you hope, peace, calm or find something that does.

Hope is mandatory.


Radiation Mile Marker


Three Updates and a Wedding.